Arts » Arts


We are excited to announce choice based Arts is back!


The Arts department is looking forward to another successful year ahead. Our Arts department has developed a choice-based program for all 7th and 8th grade students. During arts class today, your child was notified which arts courses are available to them for the remainder of the year. We will be speaking with your child about these course offerings.


          We have included brief course descriptions below. The purpose of the survey is for your child to choose the arts program they wish to participate in for the rest of the academic year. It is imperative that this survey be discussed at home and a joint decision be made by you and your child. These choices will be written on a survey your child will take in class.


          We will do our very best to ensure every child is placed in a preferred class, however, it is not always possible to receive their top choice due to scheduling limitations, so please consider your second and third choices carefully. If your child fails to complete a survey, he/she will be placed in the classes that have availability. Please note classes will not be switched once they are made. Once classes are created they will remain until June 2023.


          The same behavior and quality of work is expected in all classes at I.S. 73. Your arts class is a graded class which includes homework and tests. All classes will have opportunities for field trips and performance/gallery displays.


          We highly encourage you to discuss the available options with your child and together make a choice that will be best for them. We look forward to a wonderful year with your children!


2022-2023 School Year

Vocal Music

Instructor: Mrs.Funch

Course Description: In Chorus class, we will be learning different concepts in music through singing, listening, composing, and other skills. You will be expected to not only sing but sometimes provided written responses or take notes. Such concepts include proper singing technique, sight reading, reading notes on the staff, melody and harmony, music history to name a few. We will learn how to work together as an ensemble to sing a variety of music genres.





Instructor: Ms.Moreira

Course Description: In Dance class, we will learn to perform and understand dance. In performance we will explore various genres and styles of dance, with correct alignment and coordination. We will practice our dance skills each class. This will help prepare students who want to audition for performing Art High Schools. We will then create original choreography to communicate students’ ideas. Choreography will be performed for audiences at the end of the year.




Instructor: Mrs. Smith

Course Description: Our Drama program focuses on acting and performing. Students will explore many of the founding principles of dramatic work including improvisation, theatre history (Shakespeare), careers in the theater, playwriting, rehearsal and performance techniques, and audition/interview preparation. Students will have opportunities for field trips and all classes will have graded culminating performances and projects.




Fine Arts

Instructors: Ms. Iodice, Ms.Zito

Course Description: This course of study will focus on a variety of topics throughout the year. The first unit of study will focus on color theory. The second unit of study will focus on Mixed Media. The third unit of study will focus on Digital and 2D art. Students will be given an opportunity to explore their creativity in a unique way while still learning the elements and principles of art. Each unit will incorporate famous works of art, master artists, new artists as well as the interactive graphics and activities. All students will participate in the annual IS 73 art show by showcasing their art from the year. Upon completion of this course students will be able to: Identify various famous works of art and artists, identify various types of perspective, identify various types of art mediums and materials.





Instrumental Music:

Instructor: Mr. Seifers

Course Description:

In instrumental music class students will learn how to read music and play by ear. We will cover music theory, history, and composition. Students will also have the opportunity to learn how to play an instrument. The instruments available may include guitar, keyboard, xylophone, and percussion instruments.


View Mr. Seifers video




****PLEASE NOTE: all classes include homework, writing assignments and tests.

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